Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee

11 January 2021


Report of the Chief Operating Officer


Workforce Profile as at 30 September 2020


1.    This report provides the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee with the workforce profile, as at the end of quarter two of 2020/2021.


2.    SMU committee asked to have visibility of the workforce profile as part of a newly developed forward plan.  This is the third time it has been provided for Staffing matters and Urgency.

3.    The data provided is already available throughout the Council and through the Open Data Platform, however is not published together as shown in appendix 1.

4.    The workforce data is provided through the performance framework, is shared with Scrutiny committees and discussed at both Corporate Management Team and Directorate Management Teams.

5.    It is proposed that the workforce profile, in the format presented, is published on open data and therefore is readily available for residents to view.

6.    The contents of the report and appendix have not be consulted on as the data is factual and already available through different sources.

7.    The Committee, in considering the workforce profile, may consider highlighting areas for consideration by the Customer and Corporate Scrutiny Committee.

Council Plan

8.    The content of the report and appendix are not material to the Council Plan.


9.    There are no implications from the report.

Risk Management

8.    There are no identified risk risks associated with the report.  

9.    Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee is asked to:

a)note the workforce profile provided.

b)consider if any area is to be referred to Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee.

Reason:  In order to provide an overview of the workforce profile.

Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Trudy Forster

Head of HR

Human Resources

Ext 3985


Ian Cunningham

Head of BI

Ext 5749

Ian Floyd

Chief Operating Officer

Report Approved








Specialist Implications Officer(s):

Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all




For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers:





Appendix 1 – Workforce Data as at 30 September 2020